Seek Justice with Our Northern California Wrongful Death Attorneys
Compassionate Legal Support During Difficult Times
We recognize that the loss of a loved one is the greatest loss possible. The death of a loved one is always difficult, but is more so when the death occurs as a result of another party's negligent or reckless actions. If a loved one has suffered an untimely death because another person or party was negligent, reckless, intentionally malicious, or failed to uphold a duty owed, please accept our sincere condolences.
In such cases, it's important to note that you have rights. We have the resources and experience to help and would be honored to do so. The Northern California wrongful death lawyers at our law firm - serving Chico, Roseville, and Sacramento - can handle litigation on your behalf so that you and your family can worry about more pressing matters. To arrange a personal consultation with a Sacramento wrongful death attorney from our firm, please don't hesitate to contact the Law Offices of Larry S. Buckley today.
Understanding Wrongful Death Claims and Compensation
You may be eligible to recover financial compensation if a loved one was killed as a result of another party's negligence.
Plaintiffs in a wrongful death case can typically file suit for:
- Damages relating to medical expenses
- Funeral expenses
- Loss of wages
- Loss of future income
- Emotional pain and suffering
If it can be shown that the defendant was woefully negligent, it may also be possible to file for punitive damages, which are monies rewarded to punish the defendant. This may be particularly appropriate in the case of a premises liability or product liability claim, as such damages would help ensure that actions were taken by the defendant to prevent such an accident from occurring in the future.
At the Law Offices of Larry S. Buckley - located in Chico, Roseville, Sacramento, Redding, and Yuba City - our wrongful death lawyers appreciate how great an impact a wrongful death can have on a family. You can rest assured that we will do everything in our power to help ensure you obtain the best possible recovery.
Proving Fault in Wrongful Death Cases
A successful legal outcome is dependent on first determining fault and establishing beyond doubt liability for damages. If the decedent was killed as the result of another individual's actions, then it may be possible to recover damages through his or her insurance coverage or own assets.
If the liable party is a third party, such as a manufacturer or property owner, we have the resources, experience, and drive to go after such defendants. To establish liability, we work with a team of experts in a variety of fields. Among the experts we work with include specialists in engineering, including biomechanical engineering, forensics, physics, medicine, economics, and psychology.
Common causes of wrongful death include:
In addition to consulting with experts to determine fault, our team is also led by Mr. Larry S. Buckley. His scientific background and analytical approach to litigation makes him uniquely capable of determining fault and representing your interests.
Legal Rights for Wrongful Death Survivors
Family members of the deceased have rights. In wrongful death cases, spouses and children of the decedent are typically able to bring a claim against the party responsible for his or her death. If no spouses or children exist, then other family members may be eligible to file suit, including parents and siblings. Additionally, individuals who could reasonably expect to have been listed as recipients in the decedent's Will if the decedent had not died unexpectedly before having the opportunity to create such a document may also be eligible for financial compensation. If you believe that you have a legal right to compensation for the death of a loved one, let us help.
Connect with Our Compassionate Wrongful Death Lawyers in Sacramento
Once again, let us express our sympathies for your loss - we are terribly sorry. If you are seeking legal counsel regarding your rights, we would be happy to provide you with the answers to your questions. Though our offices are located in Northern California, including Chico, Roseville, and Sacramento, our wrongful death attorneys handle cases statewide, in both State and Federal Court.
Ready to Pursue Justice? Contact Us for a Free Case Evaluation Today.
Frequently Asked Questions About Wrongful Death Claims
Who can bring a wrongful death case?
In California, only certain individuals are permitted to bring a wrongful death case. First priority is given to those in the decedent’s direct line of descent (AKA, descendants). These include the decedent’s surviving spouse or domestic partner, children, and grandchildren (if there are no living children). If the decedent has no surviving descendants, next priority is given to the decedent’s heirs, meaning anyone who would legally be entitled to inherit some or all of the decedent’s estate via intestate succession. This might include individuals such as the decedent’s parents or siblings. Additionally, certain people who can prove that they were financially dependent on the decedent may file a wrongful death claim. This includes the decedent’s parents or guardian (if there are no living parents), stepchildren, and putative spouse/children of a putative spouse (someone who believed in good faith that they were lawfully married but was not actually lawfully married to the decedent).
What if my relative lives for a period of time after the incident and then dies?
You may still have a case if you can prove that your loved one’s death was the result of his or her injuries caused by the negligent or wrongful conduct of the defendant. For example, if an individual suffered a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident and passed way several days or weeks later in the hospital due to complications from the injury, the surviving family members may still be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit. The key element is proving that the defendant’s negligence was the proximate cause of death. It is important that you work with an experienced and knowledgeable attorney, like those at our firm, as these cases can be extremely challenging. The insurance company (or another liable party) may dispute whether the defendant’s conduct was the cause of death—but our team can fight back and seek the justice you and your family deserve.

Why Choose Law Offices of Larry S. Buckley?
We have handled almost every type of personal injury case and have recovered millions of dollars.
We understand that accidents can happen at any time and we're here for you day and night.
We are focused on providing our clients an exceptional customer service and legal experience.